Tuesday 4 February 2014

Why Am I The Only One Sweating

Today Irt came home from work and was so tired he fell asleep. At 4pm. 
I nudged him for a while in hopes of him getting up... but there was no chance in hell of him waking up. 
Tonight's adventure would be a solo mission. 
So i put on my Scuba shoes (which are actually my Birkenstocks) and ventured down to novena station (like the go train station) which actually has a mall inside of it with lots of food options too. 

So I make the 10 minute trek to Novena and upon my arrival i decided - hey - why not walk to our future condo. See how far  the walk is. Great idea. 

The good news is. Its only a 12 minute walk. And thats me walking it. So you fit people could do it in 4 minutes. 

Half way through my walk to the condo i realize that im sweating. A lot. No big deal right? Wrong. I am the only one sweating. I am wearing shorts and a light t shirt and the sweat is unreal. 
Even more unreal is the fact that im the ONLY person in Singapore who is sweating while walking. WALKING. Even worse everyone is wearing formal business attire. Which could include long pants. Long sleeve shirts. And the women are equally as dressed up as the men. And no one. NO ONE except me is sweating. 

Come. On. 

Why am i the only one this sweaty 

Im glowing more than a pregnant woman. Ha. Beat you all to it. Not pregnant. 

So after walking the short walk to the condo i walked back to novena and treated myself to some ice cream. A jr scoop #healthy LOL 
Scared that i would drop my ice cream if i had a cone i opted to get it in a cup. (Im scared to litter or dirty Singapore in any way)

But rest assure Singapore still won this battle... Because i 100% dropped a whole spoonful of ice cream on my foot. 

Should have got a cone. 

...should have got a cone. 

Scuba Jess. 

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