Sunday 26 January 2014

ZzzQuil: Nyquil's Good Friend.

I came downstairs to my parents living room around 8 am this morning, which is fairly early for me - I usually make an appearance around 10 or 11. My mom was drinking her morning cup of tea and said she was surprised to see me awake so early - implying that at some point last night I went to sleep. Ahahah. Sleep. Anxiety found me again. And as a result i was up for most of the night. Making to do lists. And lists of future lists that I need to make. It was a highly productive night. 

I actually slept more leading up to the wedding than I have leading up to this move. #crazy. 

Anyways. The lack of sleep has caused me to forget how awesome Singapore actually is. Thank god I have this blog ;)
Soon i'll be reunited with my boxes of popcorn, the awesome culture and of course ... All the friends ;) 

And sleep will come. On the plane. Tonight. With my zzzquil and gravol. And if not. Surely Irt will press my legs. Right? Lol. Surely. 

So. I'll see you soon Singapore. And scuba. Lets not forget the scuba. 

 scuba jess.

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