Sunday 30 June 2013

Pleeeeeease Irt ! Let me stay!

We are half way through our initial Singapore adventure. 
During trips its usually at the half way mark when I start to beg Irt to let me stay. 
" pleeeeease let me stay in costa rica babe, their education system is amazing" 
"Babe. We could totally just live in Mexico"
"We could stay with Sila in Fiji. She offered!" 

Irt likes to humour me until he realizes how incredibly serious I am ( he practically dragged me home from costa rica and I cried when we left fiji)

Today while waiting for the train I begged, BEGGED Irt to let us stay. 
I'm so in love with Singapore that the thought of going home - even for a month - is heartbreaking. 

I don't quite know what it is about Singapore that makes me want to stay. I'm still adjusting to the food. I have no idea where I am 99% of the time. And. I have no friends here (aside from Fendi and Prada LOL) This normally would be disastrous for me. Typically I would shut down. Curl up in a ball. Cry. And hope for chocolate. 

But for the first time ever... I really enjoy not knowing and not having a definite plan. (Lets see how long that lasts)

Irt on the other hand has a very detailed plan ( oh how the roles have switched) I don't know anyone who works as hard as he's been working. I get so tired from watching him work . It has resulted in frequent naps for me. 

Speaking of naps....God I love Singapore. 

Babe. Lets just stay. Pleeeeeeeease.  

Scuba Jess

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