Wednesday 26 June 2013

Sing. Apore. Singapore.

This is the first blog post. We (my husband - who you will hear more about later- and I) have arrived in Singapore for a two week stay. We're here... Because we are moving here. Why Singapore? My husband is moving his company here. Why? You're asking the wrong person. I can barely explain what he does let alone why it now needs to be done in Singapore! Regardless, we are here and I have mixed feelings about the place. Its funny, when I wake up in the morning I'm in love with the place but by 10pm I'm cranky and hate it. Perhaps this has nothing to do with Singapore and more so with the fact that I'm cranky by 10pm and hate everything anyways.

Since arriving a few days ago I've been trying to pick up some of the social norms, etiquette and slang that is commonly used out here. Why? Because my husband - Irt - has created his own slang term for "singapore" he calls it "singy". Cute right? Absolutely.  It was cute the first few times I heard it until it started to catch on with other people. My husband the trendsetter. My first goal upon arrival was to determine the short form for Singapore. It took some listening and strategically asked questions to locals... But... Sing. Sing is the short form. I have to say I was relieved to know that a whole city state wasn't walking around referring to their native land as "singy".  Is it still cute when my husband says it? Mmmmhmmm! As cute as it is when I say Mmmmmmhmmm in the most southern accent I can come up with.

Stay tuned for more tales from Sing.(y)
Mmmmmmhmmmm! ( think texas )

Scuba Jess

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