Friday 6 June 2014


I haven't blogged in a while.
Because we've been so busy its not even funny.
So I thought I'd share some updates :)


I don't like using the term visitors for the people who have come to stay with us because they have all been family (including two best friends). But I must say. I think we've spent more time with visitors than we have without them while living here in Singapore lol. We initially moved out here to spend time with each other (we worked flipped hours back home) and I would say in the past four months we've had 4 weeks to ourselves LOL. With that being said ...I've loved having people over. It has made me less home sick. Our most recent 'visitors' were my inlaws.


Thank the high heavens that real adults showed up when they did because I couldn't keep up my act of pretending to be one. My mother and father in law swooped right in and started I needed a good parenting. Irt needed a good parenting. Now that we've both been babied..clothed and fed... we're good for at least another month...

because in one month...

MY PARENTS!! arrive :) And my sister. But holy moly I'm excited to see my family!!

And then. Thankfully. The visiting stops. And regular life can begin...which is good because ...


So as I've posted I got a job out here at one of the international schools. And... I signed a two year contract lol.. which means... we won't be home until September 2016. Mind you in that time we'll come home at least once a year... maybe more :)
I'm pretty excited and nervous for this job.
Mostly just nervous.
Actually I'm just nervous.
I hate being the new teacher and making new friends. It makes me miss my old teacher friends a lot! #sameena. I know you're reading this LOL.


Singapore has killed my hair. I moved here with nice long hair (long for me anyways haha ) and singapore killed it one shower at a time. So i've chopped it all off. And while its much healthier now...its also much more fizzy. Thanks Singapore :) Its greatly appreciated.

We have met so many cool people out here but I initially hesitated to call them all friends. Lots of people are just here to party... (Singapore's night life is awesome lol and I totally get it) But I was looking for more people to connect with outside of a club. In recent weeks it has gotten a lot better. We're slowly finding people like ourselves which I'm grateful for.

My Book Club

Failed. LOL. moving on. (seriously though... do any girls read in singapore? lol c'mon ladies.)


We headed to Kuala Lumpur while my best friend Ange was here back in late April/ early May. And we had such a cool experience! However, KL was not nearly as clean as Singapore. When we flew back into Singapore I was so grateful and excited for Singaporean cleanliness I wanted to kiss the ground. And I could have because its that much cleaner than KL.

In late October ....we...are...!! Which I find to be highly appropriate because I've put up with Australian working hours for almost 4 years lol. This is my pay off...and it was worth every hour.
I have every intention of hugging a koala bear and climbing into the pouch of a kangaroo.
And lets not forget. So. Much. Scuba.


I've stopped losing. Not by choice. Its just stopped.
Perhaps because I ate an entire small pizza to myself the other day LOL
Actually. this is a cry for fitness/food advice. What I was doing has stopped working and I think I need to change up my routine.

And that is my/our life update. I think the excitement of living abroad has slowly turned into some form of normalcy... which is good because we're here for 2 years and I wanted this place to start feeling like home instead of an endless vacation.

So if you're one of those people who reads the beginning and the end of stories...
In short, life is good.
Scuba Jess.

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