Tuesday 10 June 2014

The Cleaning Lady

Where do I begin.

I am messy by nature (although its organized chaos to me) but I LOVE a clean house.
It poses quite a problem in my day to day life.
Back in the Milton house a solid cleaning took place at least once every two weeks.
And an extra cleaning/hiding of stuff when guests were coming over.
Since moving to Singapore cleaning has been much more frequent for two reasons.
1. Visitors.
2. Bugs. (not that we have bugs, but that I'm trying my hardest to prevent them from coming here lol. its to the point where ... if I open a bag of pretzels it must be sealed away in a zip lock after in order to prevent bugs sniffing anything out. wow im way off topic here. but seriously. bugs scare me. and now that i've talked so much about them. one is bound to show up. my god)

Anyways. Like I was saying much more cleaning here in Singapore. Which has been fine because I've just been supplying and I'm done my course for the term.

However, hired help seems to be quite the thing out here. Everyone seems to have a cleaning lady. Or a live in helper. Its 'cheap' (Singapore cheap). So I asked Irt if we could try one out. Slash. He offered in order to get out of helping me clean.

So today is the day that the cleaning lady is coming to clean.

And I already organized the entire house in anticipation of it.

Irt watched in disbelief as I tidied everything up and laid out all the cleaning materials we had (actually he sat and watched 24, but he seemed to be in disbelief about something) however, when he finally did look up from his laptop he was shocked.

Now let me clarify -  I didn't clean. Everything still needs to be cleaned. I simply did things like put laundry away because really, who wants to put our underwear away. (if you secretly do ... for the love of god keep that to yourself because that makes you crazier than me)

So anyways hiring a cleaning lady was a wonderful idea for a couple reasons. (Pros)

1. its a nice little break for me

2. it will help with the pre-cleaning stages before my dad (and mom and sister) arrive in july. (but really the emphasis here is on my dad, as we all know he will be inspecting, and informing me of how to clean better. lol)

And I'm sure this cleaning lady is wonderful and efficient (and oh my god shes here. and I just introduced myself. and she is lovely). but this still doesnt sit very well with me.

For two reasons (wow i love lists) (Cons)

1. Who am I that I can't clean for myself. Am I that busy.. or that important that I need someone to help with my cleaning!? I understand for people who are injured or unhealthy in some way ... but seriously im fully capable of cleaning. From a social justice perspective this is all wrong and the guilt i feel at this point is unbearable. but on the other hand...it is this woman's job? I don't know!? #conflicted.

2. I am crazy. full on crazy.
This wonderful woman is cleaning our dishes as I type. And Im having a minor anxiety attack. Perhaps I need to relax.
Or maybe I should just do my own dishes.

...or maybe I should get Irt to do the dishes ;)

Hahahaha.. well either way... this is one of those new experiences for me.
I can't say for certain that I'll never use a cleaning service again.
But I am enjoying the little break this Tuesday evening
And I also appreciate that phase one of Kingson Klean is under way exactly three weeks before my parents leave for Singapore.

Right. On. Schedule.

Scuba Jess.

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