Thursday 17 April 2014

...surely the easter bunny makes his way to singapore..

So... this is the first major holiday that we're away for (because we're married and valentines day is no longer a big deal lol... and we're not  irish so st. patrick's day doesn't really count..) but Easter was a big one back home.

Good Friday.
Good friday has always been spent with my mom's side of the family. All week leading up to Good Friday I think about what I'm possibly going to eat that day (on Good Friday you can't eat meat and I don't eat sea food so this always poses a problem). And I worry that I'll starve that day while everyone eats their fish.
Of course that has never once been the case. My cousin Joey always makes me her amazingly delicious mac and cheese (she literally grates cheese...bakes it with these little croutons on top...its amazing) And she always makes enough for me to take home...and eat for the next week.

...Good friday this year will also have mac and cheese. but the kraft kind. and i don't think i will make it with half the amount of love that joey does.

smmmmile...? its thick and creamy..? i'll try kraft. i'll try. but it aint no joey mac and cheese.

Easter Sunday.
Easter Sunday is usually spent with my Dad's side of the family. My Easter Sunday dilemma also revolves around food. I often wonder why we are eating chinese/indian (which also happens to be our traditional Thanksgiving meal - as the pilgrims would have done it). I sit quietly as the curry smell seeps into my clothing and skin, wishing that we could for once have a 'normal' Easter meal like roast beef (and not curry roast beef as it often tends to be. honestly. this gang will curry anything they possible can). Leading up to dinner my cousins and I will hide chocolate easter eggs. We range in age from 20-36. But we all actively participate. We say its 'for the kids' (justin and grace who make frequent appearances on my facebook and instagram pages) but its secretly for our own enjoyment.  We laugh a lot when we forget how many eggs have been hidden...vs. how many have been found... vs.. how many i've secretly eaten without telling anyone..

.... and none of that. None of any of these awesome easter activities will be happening. What I would do for Joey's mac and cheese ...and for easter egg antics .... for some of that curry surprise food (although in Singapore there are lots of curry surprise to be found as well.. )

Its funny. I can't think of a family (extended family) who gets together as frequently as mine does. And for the longest time I simply couldn't understand why we did it. lol we see each other ALL the time - no exaggeration.
But now that I don't have that luxury of family get togethers I miss it more than anything. While they do face time me so it 'feels like' I'm there...its obviously not the same.

So today..after spending the afternoon with my awesome friend Sabrina (we were teacher friends back in Canada and she moved to hong kong not too long ago & was visiting singapore this week), I went to the store and grabbed something to cheer me up on this long weekend.

Magazines. Hahaha. anyone who knows me knows how much I love magazines. So I bought two :) One from Irt. and one from the easter bunny.
because surely thats what the easter bunny would have left for me back home.

I hope everyone has an awesome time with their families this weekend. I am very very VERY jealous of you.
And I hope my family has an awesome time...
but lets be honest guys. its not the same without me/us.
hahah... seriously though don't have too much fun without me. you know how much this kills me.

hoppy early easter. (haha..see what i did there?)
Scuba Jess.

ps. everything is open here on Good Friday!? One point Singapore.
pps. i have a lot of food dilemmas back home apparently.
ppps. that is also the case out here. hahaha

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your kind words of the dish I make :-). I did make macaroni & cheese and thought of you the whole time. I even made extra sauce & if you were here I would have sent it home with you. I even put it in a Portuguese cooking dish lol. When you come back I'll make some more for you. I hope you had a good day with Irt?! On a side note: I did reply the day you posted this but my phone decided to not post this... I needed IT support but he doing something else lol. Love you xoxo.
