Tuesday 8 April 2014

contrary to popular belief...scuba jess was not lost at sea...

So I've been asked a couple times now why I haven't blogged in a while.
And the truth is...
Moving to Singapore has been hard lol and I really struggled with it.
And generally speaking I like to blog about the new and exciting things that have been happening in my life.
While the month of March did have a lot of fun and exciting things happening in it ( Irt's siblings and one of his best friends came for a few weeks, I started working, I discovered my love for macaroons etc.) it still proved to be one of the most challenging months I've had in a while.
Maybe because the novelty of Singapore has begun to wore off on me. Or maybe because my homesickness extended beyond my kitchen appliances.
I'm not really sure what it was.
But it was definitely the hardest month I've had in a long time. And thats the truth.
So while I may be posting pictures of all the fun stuff we're doing (lol and trust me its fun and I'm very grateful) ... the grass isn't always greener on the other side. I promise.

With that being said...
I seem to have settled into a new routine. And we all know how much I love routine. And the homesickness has passed. And because Singapore is the norm now instead of a novelty... I find myself to be much happier. and much more settled.
And with that being said.
Let the blogs continue.

And let the search for scuba adventures begin.
Scuba Jess

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure the adjustment hasn't been easy - but it's good to see you writing! Settle in a bit. Now enjoy.
