Thursday 27 February 2014

Well. Its been 1 Month.

Feb. 28th makes it one month since we arrived in Singapore - and 6 weeks since I packed all my favourite things away lol (I'll let it go eventually I promise.. but its honestly been like a bad break up. I often wonder if my omelette maker thinks about me as much as I think about him. Of course he does.)

A lot has gone on in the past month. We moved from a hotel to our condo, we experienced a week of no hot water (new building - utilities were still being set up. which has taught me to be very grateful for hot water lol), we waited patiently for our furniture to arrive, I've had a couple job interviews, Irt has worked every hour of every day (whats new) and we've met some really fantastic new friends. 

I've also learned a lot about myself in the past month, for example 

1. I will never like sea food. 
Irt and I went out for dinner to a hawker centre (asian food court) not too long ago and I ordered pineapple fried rice. When I got my rice it had sea creatures in it. Uh. I could barely look at my plate let alone eat what was on it. Lesson for next time ? Pineapple rice  hold the sea creatures. 

2. I secretly still like going to clubs. 
Anyone who knows me ... knows that I hate clubs. I will make up any excuse to not go. It could be my best friends birthday. It could be my husbands birthday but I will find a way out of it. But here in Singapore. Sign. Me. Up. I love it. I actually feel like I'm in my early 20s again. 

3. I am not in my early 20s. 
Although my love for going out to clubs has been rekindled my body reminds me almost daily that im approach my 30s in the next couple years. For example, while I like going to clubs I also enjoy leaving at a reasonable hour. Also, I can only tolerate cold showers for so long. I like being in bed before 11. I require a cup of tea to start my day. The list goes on. I'm definitely an old soul. 

4. I am capable of being fit. 
I have been lazy the majority of my life. Singapore has forced me, FORCED ME, to be active. I have to walk 2,000 steps to the grocery store and 2,000 steps home. Thats 4,000 steps of my daily 10,000 step goal. I have to walk. To get food. Once walking was forced upon me..everything else came so easily. Swimming again. Running. I ran the other day. I wish someone had been there to see it (Just kidding i'm glad no one saw it.. because you think i sweat when i walk... just wait til you see me run) 

5. Home is where my husband is. 
Although I talk about how much I miss our milton house.. and all my household goods (don't worry little friends I'm coming back for you one day).... our home is really where ever the two of us might be. Our condo is slowly starting to feel like the Milton house -lol don't get me wrong its taking a lot of time and a little bit of daily mental convincing- ... but we're getting there slowly. And the fact that Irt and I get to actually spend our nights together instead of being on completely different schedules... makes it all worth it. 

So the verdict thus far...? 
I miss the old place... I miss our friends and family... 


Its 40 degrees here. 
I am not complaining. 

(Look, I know there have been a lot of pictures of just me lately, but when you lose a bunch of weight, I'm pretty sure you're entitled to all the self portraits you want.)

Scuba Jess. 
(Sea creatures are for looking, not eating. I wish that was the way I got to sign off on all my emails. I'm looking into it as we speak)

Monday 10 February 2014

15 Days.

15 Days.
15 days is all it took for me to miss home.

Many of you have commented on the fact that I seem to be having the time of my life - which I am lol - but that doesn't mean I'm not missing my family...and most importantly.. my kitchen appliances.

Today Irt thought it would be fun to watch the wedding video (he loves the wedding video) and I thought - SURE why not!
We popped our burned copy into my mac (because it didn't work on his PC #applewin) and we started watching the video.

Half way through the first song... there is a scene with my sister and I. She's helping me fix my dress and she's cute. And I started crying UNCONTROLLABLY to the point where we literally had to stop the wedding video.

I can't watch it. Simply can't. It reminds me too much of how awesome everyone is back home..and how much I miss them.

Vanessa asked me for weeks leading up to the move if I would be okay .... or if I would be too sad here in Singapore and the entire time I promised her I would be fine.


I will be fine so long as I don't watch anything Vanessa related between now and the time she and my parents get here.

Tissues please.

Scuba Jess.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Thats Not Where Eggs Belong...

I hate grocery stores.

And yet. I'm obsessed with them.

As many of you may know... back at home my most hated day of the week was grocery day. The cart. The list. Unpacking when you get home. Nightmare. No thanks. You do it for me Irt.

However... I am secretly obsessed with grocery stores. Perhaps because thats where all the food and snacks live. Perhaps because I worked in a grocery store for 7 years. (I'll probably have to see a therapist regarding this issue)

Since arriving back in Singapore I've become obsessed with their grocery stores, specifically Cold Storage and Fair Price. So obsessed that I go to one of them every day. Not to purchase anything... but simply to 'check it out' (I'm calling a therapist as we speak).

On my 4th or 5th trip to the grocery store... i started noticing that many of my favourite brands DO live here in Singapore. for example...

Fab. I mean ..Tide. This entire branding thing blew my mind. It took Irt at least 15 minutes to explain to me why Tide is called Fab here in Singapore. And quite frankly I'm still not entirely sure I understand. 
But look . Its Fab WITH downy. Downy is still downy here. One point for Singapore. 
That yellow and orange circle label is very comforting to me. I can only handle so much change. 

Continuing on my grocery adventure brought me to the egg aisle. If you know me at all you know how much i love breakfast ..and eggs. But the whole egg experience in Singapore has been very troubling..because.. look.. 
None of the eggs are kept in a cooler!? None. They're all sitting on a shelf with a sign that states..fresh. Pardon me? 
I stared at these eggs for so long... until finally I saw a blonde hair women who i wrongfully assumed was north american ...and I asked her .. "why are the eggs not in a cooler here?" 
and she replied ... "well.. where I'm from they're not in a cooler either". london. shes from london. they don't keep eggs in a cooler in england? she then proceeded to acknowledge the fact that she does put them in the fridge when she gets home. 

right?! because thats where eggs belong. the fridge. 

lesson from today? blonde people don't know what to do with eggs. 
just kidding. 
lesson from today: don't assume blondes are from north america. 
i already knew that. but this egg situation was so troubling my judgment was clouded. 

man i love eggs. 

scuba jess. 

Why Am I The Only One Sweating

Today Irt came home from work and was so tired he fell asleep. At 4pm. 
I nudged him for a while in hopes of him getting up... but there was no chance in hell of him waking up. 
Tonight's adventure would be a solo mission. 
So i put on my Scuba shoes (which are actually my Birkenstocks) and ventured down to novena station (like the go train station) which actually has a mall inside of it with lots of food options too. 

So I make the 10 minute trek to Novena and upon my arrival i decided - hey - why not walk to our future condo. See how far  the walk is. Great idea. 

The good news is. Its only a 12 minute walk. And thats me walking it. So you fit people could do it in 4 minutes. 

Half way through my walk to the condo i realize that im sweating. A lot. No big deal right? Wrong. I am the only one sweating. I am wearing shorts and a light t shirt and the sweat is unreal. 
Even more unreal is the fact that im the ONLY person in Singapore who is sweating while walking. WALKING. Even worse everyone is wearing formal business attire. Which could include long pants. Long sleeve shirts. And the women are equally as dressed up as the men. And no one. NO ONE except me is sweating. 

Come. On. 

Why am i the only one this sweaty 

Im glowing more than a pregnant woman. Ha. Beat you all to it. Not pregnant. 

So after walking the short walk to the condo i walked back to novena and treated myself to some ice cream. A jr scoop #healthy LOL 
Scared that i would drop my ice cream if i had a cone i opted to get it in a cup. (Im scared to litter or dirty Singapore in any way)

But rest assure Singapore still won this battle... Because i 100% dropped a whole spoonful of ice cream on my foot. 

Should have got a cone. 

...should have got a cone. 

Scuba Jess.